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What is our History?

        The vision of the Ark Ministries, Inc. was born in the hearts of pastor Nick Bailey, Bro. Josh Cutshaw and Bro. James Buchanan through a series of events they all believe believe to be of God.


        It all started when a youth evengelist preached a revival at United Baptist Church in October of 2015.  It was confirmed through messages pastor Bailey preached not long after the revival and it evolved through visits pastor Bailey and Bro. Cutshaw made to various Recovery Missions across the Southeast Region.


        During the revival, the evangelist talked about the need of marking the way for the next generation by warning of the dangers that exist if people choose not to live for God.  In that meeting, the preacher used stop, yield and one way signs as props to emphasize his point and he also used Noah as an example of a man in the Bible who marked the way for his generation through his preaching and by the building of His Ark.


        After the revival, pastor Bailey preached messages on the importance of building an ark in our modern culture and in one message, he used Hebrews 11:7, where the Bible says “By faith Noah prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.”  This verse has motivated pastor Bailey, Bro. Cutshaw and Bro. Buchanan they have continued to follow God’s Vision for the Ark Ministries, Inc.


         Since those early days, Pastor Bailey, Bro. Cutshaw and Bro. James Buchanan  have worked diligently to turn their vision of the Ark Ministries, Inc. into a reality.  And in July, 2016, the Ark Ministries Inc. officially became an established 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Since that time, the organization has continued to grow, and the overwhelming support has done nothing but to confirm that the Ark Ministries, Inc. truly is a work of God, and not of man.


          Pastor Bailey, Bro. Cutshaw and Bro. Buchanan all believe their vision truly is God’s vision of an organization of ministries that are meant to serve the serious and urgent needs that currently exist in our community.  Although they admit there is still much work to be done and many questions to be answered, Pastor Bailey, Bro. Cutshaw and Bro. Buchanan all believe the Ark Ministries will continue to grow in God’s Time and according to His sovereign Plan! 





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